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AppsTVs is a streaming service from NBCUniversal. With tons of hit movies and TV shows, Originals, current NBC & Bravo hits, and LIVE Sports including Sunday Night Football and Premier League, We are is here for whatever you’re in the mood for, from bingewatching to channel surfing. Sign up here to start streaming.
With us Premium, you can stream hundreds of hit movies, full seasons of iconic TV shows and bingeworthy Peacock Original series, the latest hits from NBC & Bravo, can't-miss live sports, and Peacock Channels 24/7, plus daily live news, late night, and more to satisfy your FOMO. You’ll also get access to kids’ movies and shows, hit Spanish-language TV shows, and news from Telemundo. To watch Our without ads* or download select shows and movies to watch offline on your mobile device, upgrade to Peacock Premium Plus. You'll also get access to your local NBC channel LIVE, 24/7.
Lots! For instance: TV Android TV, Apple TV, COX, Fire TV, LG TV, Hisense VIDAA, Roku, Samsung, Vizio Smart TV, Xfinity Computer Chrome OS, macOS, Windows PC Mobile & Tablet Android phones & tablets, Fire Tablet, iPhone and iPad Game Consoles PlayStation, Xbox, Meta VR devices View a list of all supported devices here. (If you don’t see it listed, we’re probably working on it!)